From Data Fragmentation to Delivery Excellence: A Case Study in Operational Improvement
When I first engaged with this company, they were grappling with data fragmentation.
The Approach
To address these issues, I developed a structured approach leveraging a combination of frameworks and methods:
Frameworks: I employed the Dolphin Method for alignment, LEAN principles, and Systems Thinking.
Methods: My toolkit included SIPOC, Value Stream Mapping (VSM), user stories, and advanced tech solutions like AWS S3 and Metabase analytics.
The Solution
My solution consisted of three key components: Data Integration, Analytics and Reporting and Predictive Modeling
Breaking the $5M Revenue Ceiling
Jim had started his business over a decade ago and worked tirelessly to get it to the $5 million revenue mark. But now they seemed stuck, unable to break through that ceiling. Sales were flattening, top employees were burning out, and profits were getting tighter each month despite the revenue number.
Jim's company had hit a scaling wall. All the signs were there - if he had known what vital areas to monitor. For any business trying to scale beyond $5 million, there are 4 core areas that indicate if you're outgrowing your systems, processes, and resources.
Lean Process Redesign Increases Inventory Check-In Throughput by 340% at Apparel Decoration Provider
Previously, the inventory check-in cycle times caused bottlenecks that delayed getting work released to production floors.
Implementing Lean SolutionS
Several process redesigns and physical changes were implemented based on the analysis...
The revised process applied lean principles like continuous flow, reduced motion waste, visual management, and pull production.
Achieved Results
The leaned inventory check-in process delivered outstanding productivity gains compared to the previous state for 500 boxes of inventory checked in.
Uncovering the Hidden Costs: A Data-Driven Journey to Accurate Gross Margin AnalysiS
Accurate cost of goods sold (COGS) calculations in manufacturing require intricate data from multiple touch points along the production cycle.
The Solution
Our team created a centralized repository for accurate gross margin reporting. Leveraging the power of AWS S3 and open-source tools, we architected a cloud-based data warehouse, seamlessly integrating data from the client's six disparate databases.
The Payoff
With the cloud-based data warehouse in place, our client gained access to timely, accurate gross margin reporting at the deal, client, and departmental levels.
Why Choose Us
Our expertise in the combination of systems thinking, TOC, LEAN, and operational efficiency/effectiveness sets us apart. We bring a proven track record of success, helping businesses like yours achieve their growth and efficiency goals. Effective process first, automation last.